
First spilt blood [Champion]


04-02-2013, 03:16 PM
When the world froze, for only a moment, she was truly and utterly gone. It was when the puppet master came to ease the pain that she would never face. Only one other knew the truth of what happened, the truth how of she lost her mind. She had abandoned her, left her for dead, but it was funny how the madness had made her stronger. What would fable do know if she could see her twin? See that power and home and hope all filled the beast that chased after darker needs. How ironic it was that she held the power she craved others to give to her.

Her ears twitched with Champions respond. She was confused by what she meant. When it was too painful? What was too painful? She blinked uncomprehending eyes at champion. What had she talked about before Sade?s death and her offer? She could feel it on the edge of her subconscious but she couldn?t quite reach for it. She dismissed the thought and eyed the source of meat that was laid out before the. Champion had gone to finish the job, a mercy for the fallen elk, one she was content to have. She watched her hungrily as she began to rip at the flesh and pull it free to reveal the tender meat.

She moved swiftly. Her growing pups demanding sustenance, she moved towards the softer side if the meal. She pushed into the soft stomach and began to suckle like a newborn pup. Gore and blood pooled over her muzzle as she let out a threatening snarl as champion got closer to eat her share. She was lost to the blood lust as she ate the organs and meat along the ribs and thigh. When she finished she was drenched in blood, her velvet coat looked like dried blood. She looked down at herself and allowed a laugh to slip from her lips. ? I do believe I look as if I took a bath in the innards of our quarry.? She said licking the blood from around her muzzle. She wanted a nice long soak to rid her of the impurities clinging to her coat.

She turned her attention back to champion as she began to speak aloud. The female had thought hard on the matter. Just as she had hoped she would. She had some concerns and she listened to what they were. When she finished the mirth seemed to return to her lips. She was a wolf of a neutral standing. She could slay those that needed it and she could be merciful if it was required of her. She saw no line between darkness and light but others weren?t as sure of their line as she was. Everyone had different morals and she was not about to press them on her wolves. Assassins were to be chosen carefully. Not give to ever wolf that walked in the pack.

?Your concerns are understandable. It?s hard to steal the life of others without cause. This is why I will be picky about who hires my wolves and what jobs they take. If you desire to be a warrior rather then be a wolf of darkness then that is fine by me. My Chavalier ranks are open, they require skilled warriors who can train the lower ranks, enslaving trespassers and bringing them to me for judgment, as well as heading to the battlegrounds to claim more for our ranks. It is a busy rank but if you?d like the challenge then I believe you are fit to play the role. Other wise you may join as a simple warrior and come and go as you please. My kingdom is no prison cell and my wolves are not required to den and remain daily. I think I?d die of madness if I lingered in my home constantly.? She said with a smile. Wolves were meant to wander. To see new things and she would not suppress their needs. She would understand and she would know her wolves. Know them all and what they desired, hear them all, and work with them as best as she could. She would earn their trust, respect, and love but she would show them when the time came that she was not kindest wolf all the time. If laws were broken then heads would roll.