
Until It's Gone

Katja the First


8 Years
05-20-2015, 12:48 PM

Katja was not one to pace and to wring her hands - in fact she didn't have hands to wring at all - so when a problem presented herself she chose not to pace anxiously and worry, but to sit quietly, alone, and let the thoughts present themselves as they would in answer to the problem. Currently her problem ran thusly: with the former members of Ebony choosing to abandon their pack when Kassander turned it over to her, she found herself with entirely too few wolves to survive as a pack. She did not have the warriors she would need to hunt or raid. They had no mates and would not bear the next generation of warriors come spring. They had only a single healer to keep them healthy. The lands they laid claim to were crowded and boxed in by other packs. Too many wolves she did not know on all sides.

The first problems would need to be resolved delicately, through the effort of recruitment and training and, simply, time. The secondary issue - the issue of location - she had already been prompted by the gods to the solution. North! To follow the lode-star, the north-star, and to bring her wolves to the region traditional to her people. To that end she had moved to explore possible places to settle them. This, the mountain with its waterfall tumbling down from a rocky peak to a forested base, stood as a guardian at the edge of the northern lands looming broodingly over the soft central lands. It was, she decided, rather fitting and symbolic, but whether it would suit her pack in other ways remained to be seen as she slipped in closer to scout it.


OOC: This thread takes place in Waterfall Peak in case that's not abundantly obvious. XDD Hoping to use this for navigation points so please don't post if you're going to hold it up.