
In The Jungle


05-20-2015, 04:34 PM

All she wanted was her mother. She didn’t understand why she had been separated, and why the older feline had yet to find her yet. She would sniffle, ears flicking as she heard a sound. She would gasp, jumping up to all fours. Her heart would begin to beat in her chest at a rapid pace, startled nearly out of her wits. She would look up with widened purple eyes as the larger feline grabbed her up. Body would go limb as her scruff was in his mouth, though she was still scared of what he was doing. He clambered back up the tree she was trying to get up, dropping her in between his legs once both were safely up there.

Sniffling again Keno would look up at the bigger cat. He seemed really growly and irritated at her... Was it cause she was crying? She would lower her gaze, curling her tail around her legs. She didn’t like being disciplined. It made her feel smaller than small and bad inside. She would would shuffle closer to him, nuzzling her head into his neck as she mumbled quietly. “I’m sorry...” He was warm... And a nap didn’t sound too bad. She would yawn, laying her body down and letting out a little purr. Was this guy gonna be her new daddy? "...T-thankies..."

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'