
Bringing home the Misses



6 Years
Extra large
05-20-2015, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2015, 04:35 PM by Glacier.)

He was bringing home Anais, and there was nothing in the world that could have pleased him more. He was dying to talk to Voltage, through everything had happened rather spur of the moment. She was in heat, he had kissed her, they had spoken to her family, and she was coming home... he had so much now to speak to Voltage about, so much to tell his brother and confident. They would also have to expand into a second territory... it was all almost surreal to the behemoth. Through he had no doubt at all that the girl at his side was real, occasionally he would reach out his head and nuzzle against her ear – just to be certain.

As they entered his – no, their – home territory he would begin to direct her to the cave network that was there and the dens they made from them. ”I would like you to pick out your own den, some place you can call your own and chill out in if my family ever becomes too much or you want some time alone – it would be your safe haven and no one would be allowed to bug you there. I also have, surprisingly, three dens, one mass den for all the family to snuggle in together, one me and Voltage can chill in and one also to call my own – that can become our den, and you are welcome there whenever you wish to – especially with winter, you'll always have this heater” he teased her as they entered the den he called his own. “This is my den, and like I said pick out your own one whenever you wish, i'll show you around the dens if you wish?” he hoped he wasn't overwhelming her, he was sure it was a lot to take it, this new home.


Art by Arin