
Cherry Wine

Athena I


9 Years
05-20-2015, 06:01 PM


Athena was happy to see that Talvi looked so happy, even if it was just to see her. It was good to know that all the time that had passed had not dulled their affection for eachother. Although she didn't know why it would. Talvi had always been one of her favorite siblings. With as many siblings as they had growing up she thought it was easy to grow attached to one or two of them like she had. There was simply too many to know all of them really well. For her, Talvi and Vereux had been her go to siblings and now with Vereux basically out of her life it was great to see Talvi again.

"We've all been very well. Amalia is so happy living here with her family and she's taken to healing and has actually gotten to be lead healer here. The boys are all grown now and starting to do their own things, but they stick pretty close to home for the most part, which I'm happy for. Amalia and I have actually taken in two little girls as well. Ritselli and Absinthe. So I guess our family is still growing in a way." She smiled a little and then realized she really hadn't spoken about herself at all. Her whole life had become her children and her wife it seemed. "I haven't really done too much I suppose... I guess it's just been kind of hard to make my own place here since Epiphron had so much bad blood with Isardis and all. She's been kind to all of us though. Probably just because of Amalia, but still, it's all the same to me."