
Like Shattered Glass


04-02-2013, 08:33 PM

She had truly outdone herself this time. Once again, the pale she-wolf was lost, and in a forest no less. And not just any forest, no, that would be too easy. She'd gotten turned around one too many times in none other than the Soulless Forest, home to dense fog and tangled roots just waiting to trip her up. Her light blue eyes had never served her at full capacity, and at present she felt as if she were looking through a layer of murky water what with how distorted her surroundings seemed. Add on top of this her complete lack of a sense of direction, and the female was nothing short of forsaken.

"Trees, trees everywhere. And they all look the same..." came her worried muttering, followed by a defeated sigh. She'd been trapped in the endless maze of twisted branches and constant silence for a good majority of the day after having thought cutting throught it would be a good shortcut to the Rio Grande. Nevermind that the Rio was nowhere near the Soulless Forest, no sense of direction, remember? One turn led to another and before she knew it she didn't know which way was north or south, let alone forward or back. Maybe if she asked someone for directions... Oh wait, she was alone. Of course. Well, Plan B it was, then.

With the grace only a practiced lady could possess, Felicitas padded up to the nearest tree and sank down onto her haunches, plush tail placed neatly beside dainty forepaws. Blue eyes surveyed her surroundings with their usual steady calm, with just a spark of hope that someone would happen by and tell her how to get somewhere, anywhere, so long as it would outside of the confusing labrynth. She would wait the remainder of the day, and even into the night if she must. She was a seasoned player of the waiting game, after all.