
Duma Family Adopts



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-21-2015, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2015, 10:44 PM by Tealah.)

Kitty approved.

Name: Eshe Duma
Gender: Female
Description: With a mostly average physique of a cheetah Eshe is tall, long, and built perfectly for speed. She has a barrel chest with elegant long limbs and a tail that goes on for days. Her feminine features are obvious in the curvature of her hips and the delicate details of her face. For a cheetah though the young girl is not very tall of stature, reaching a less than impressive 32" tall she is quite a bit shorter than most of her siblings.

The coloration that covers her form is a bit odd in comparison to even her own sister. With a base of porcelain her back and sides are covered in a golden leaf. The color is the most pure along the back of her head and down her spine. A darker duller gold are the girl's spots which also fade into the white of her paws, underbelly, and tail tip. Upon her face rest two turquoise gems that are her brilliant eyes.

Personality: This lovely she cheetah spends a considerable amount of time on herself. Countless hours of her short life have been used in grooming her pale fur, making sure her claws are perfect, and that not a hair stands out of place. She can be an incredibly picky eater and being forced to consume a meal that is not up to standards will easily hurt her pride. There are certain types of terrain she doesn't like to walk on but she adores a good splash in the ocean. Eshe is a prideful creature, she doesn't want to be told that she's wrong and doesn't deal with embarrassment very well. She can have a very immature streak and isn't below giving anyone the silent treatment. The pale girl is prone to throwing tantrums when things don't go her way and being stubborn in trying to get what she want. Though she has the tendency to just be a bratty little sister Eshe is a fiercely loyal being and once she trusts you its difficult to shake her. Though at times the girl can be a little naive her heart is usually in the right place. She loves her family but can't deny how much her alone time means to her and wont always first seek out her sibling's presence.

Plans: Follow her sister! Eshe had always found dread in the day that she would have to separate herself from her siblings forever and no matter how long her mother went on about tradition while she was young Eshe knew she would always be with her siblings. She loves them with all of her heart and there is nothing more important than them. Though she is still very much a female cheetah and will go off and enjoy her own time but in the end her loyalty lies completely with them.

RP Sample: Porcelain paws carried the willowy beauty through the tall grasses that were so akin to her homeland. This new place was both familiar and foreign to the newcomer. Thus far Eshe had enjoyed the newness of the lands around her, there was so much exploring to do that she'd nearly forgotten about the hunger pains that filled her belly. The food she found was always weird, she didn't want to even try chasing after it because she wasn't sure if she'd like it or not.

Eventually though she'd find an odd looking bunny, it was almost similar to the thin hares she used to chase at home yet it still smelled and looked just.. different. Hopefully the taste wasn't so bad. The good news she'd find was that this rabbit had never encountered a cheetah before. He thought he was fast, he'd never tangled with a cat like her before. Before the almost rodent even knew what was going on he was in her jaws with only a squeak offered as she squashed out his life. Eshe hadn't even started breathing hard, it was almost too easy. Still, the big test would be how it tasted. With all the timidness of a nervous feline the cheetah slowly tore off a piece of flesh.

This tasted so much better than the hares she was used to. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here in Alacritia.

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