
New friends in the making


05-22-2015, 10:56 AM

And I Know That I
I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper
And I Cross The Line
Ravine was a kind man. Wise. He had grown wiser, as she had, with age. It was funny how wolves matured in that sense. She too had taken a lot of big steps into maturing into a fine young individual. It made her think about things... Her past... Her future. Secretua seemed like a stable ground to stand on and Akemi wasn’t planning on leaving. Ever. This was her home. Einarr was comfortable here and Zisa, when she was around and about, seemed at peace with living in the area too. It was wonderful to see.

The female would nod, though she felt a bit of a nervous flutter in her heart as he agreed to take a walk with her. Where was her fire? Where was her snappy comebacks? My... It was as if she had truly aged into something that was more appropriate for these Alacritian lands. The female would begin to walk, finding her voice once more.

“Ravine... Do you ever feel like, despite the fact you are here, you’re missing out on something in this life?” Akemi would ask, her voice gentle. Perhaps it was just her... She wasn’t sure.


I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes
But I Could Never Leave Your Side
No Matter What I Say

Table by:: Tealah