
End of the world as we know it


05-22-2015, 11:06 AM

In the end Akemi had decided to come back to where Alamea was trying to gather the members of Secretua. Her heart felt heavy, but, in some senses, light. The tiny female would strode into the lands where the others were gathered, her gaze looking around at those present. So many faces... friends she knew and cared for. She would take a breath, knowing that what she had to say may or may not be received well by those present. This time Tiny was with her, holding onto the fur of her head as his mother got ready to speak. "My fellow Secretuans... I know not what the rest of you are planning but I wish to say something to you all, if I may." She knew that Alamea had called them all here to gather them, but, if she could prevent them from being misplaced then wouldn't that be for the better?

"In the absence of Rune Secretua has fallen apart. It will take a bit of time but... I want to rebuild our pack. It will not be the same as when he lead it, no, for no one could ever hope to replace the great leader he was. However... I have hopes that we could all stick together, if you would wait for me for just a little while. I swear to you, by the time spring comes, we will have our pack once more." Akemi would let her gaze travel around to each wolf present. Would they wish to wait, to stay together as a pack, or would they move on and go their separate ways?

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno