
Fish Are Friends Not Food....Wait....



8 Years
Dragon Mod
05-22-2015, 05:22 PM
Before he had managed to reach the hole, he had heard the creature coming after him. He was afraid, so deathly afraid! His heart pounded in his chest, breath quick as he tried to remain as silent as he could. Each breath seemed to choke him, his heart seeming like it wanted to break free of his ribs. Swallowing back the bile in his throat, he winced when he shifted his leg. He wanted to see what kind of injury he had, but the confined space and semi-darkness wouldn't allow him a clear view. He waited for what seemed like long moments, listening. Watching. He could hear nothing, but surely something like that, whatever it was, could still be out there? What was that thing?! A voice would scream in his head. If only he knew, then perhaps he'd have a chance of getting out alive. He was sure that giant thing wanted to eat him!

When he could hear nothing else other then the distant call of birds, he slowly shuffled forward to see if he could peer out. His nose inches from the entrance, he scented the air but all he could smell was his own fear, the metallic stench of blood and the dry grasses and dirt. He wanted so badly to escape this cramped hole, but fear kept him rooted in place until he was sure it was safe. Maybe if he could somehow get out and get away...he was small and quick enough. He had lost that thing once, he could do it again right? Summoning just a mite of courage, he called out "Go away whatever you are! Leave me alone!" though it sounded high pitched as opposed to brave...silly child.