
Peace of Mind



5 Years
05-23-2015, 11:41 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 07:00 PM by Jakart.)
Where Callisto had initially held his throat with her fangs Jakart only felt a slight aching sensation. If it was a desire of maintaining control during the course of their physical rendezvous that had caused her to do so he was unsure. Only he knew that after a while her jaws had left him during their mating and much more pleased noises filled his ears other than her initial growls. The grey wolf's sides rose and fell as his breathing calmed, a stroke of a paw given across Callisto's chest as he stared back at her. He reflected the way her paws pressed against her chest before she moved to hold his shoulders while in the midst of it. Any leverage Callisto had if she wanted to use her fangs was lost, and a certain level of trust was established. She had wanted this, the male glad to preform but questioning the stand-offish act in the beginning

Clearly it had been a lack of trust despite his initial hesitation to preform. Though Jakart knew he was flighty and a bit skittish by nature, Callisto needn't worry about any aggressive actions resulting in bodily harm from him. Maybe the anxiety of wanting the burn of heat quelled but also hoping that she would not become pregnant was his once-mates source of worry? Jakart stared back at Callisto, a slight grin breaking out over his muzzle. The she-wolf touched his paw and pushed it back towards him, the grey wolf withdrawing the foreleg to tuck it against his chest. Not quite there yet in the relationship, however mutual it had been. Jakart cleared his throat and scooted a little closer. "So... where do we stand Calli? I'm not intruding on a previous male's territory am I?"