
Duma Family Adopts


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
05-23-2015, 12:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2015, 09:55 PM by Tealah.)

Kitty Approved.

Name: Neemu Duma (Means born during prosperous times)
Gender: Male
Description: Pretty much your average looking cheetah, Neemu has a base coat of a soft tawny yellow, with white adorning his paws, chest, neck, muzzle, as well as under his eyes. The white also colours the underside of each legs and the underside of his tail. Black spots coat his body, but his face is void of them. However, there is a thick black line that starts at the corner of his eye and runs down to his chin. Neemu's tail is tipped with black, with two black rings wrapping upwards. White colours the gaps between the black bands. His ears are black, with white insides as well as a white dot on the back of each ear. The only thing that sets him apart from the other cheetah's are his bold red eyes, stunning against the white and yellow around his eyes.
Personality: The cat has always felt like he was the father figure of the sibling, the one who had to part them from spats and fights to keep them from eating each others faces. He is generally the mediator of fights between the cats, as well as the big shoulder to lean on. He adores his siblings with all his heart and will do anything to keep them safe and together. He is very protective of his siblings, and is not afraid to step in and fight others off if he needs to. He usually comes off as a tough bad-ass, but he is actually quite the sweet heart. He only comes off as that to strangers, and his siblings are the only one who know his softer side. Its not that he's mean though, but he isn't trusting of others. He is wary of strangers, even more so if they are trying to get closer to one of his siblings. He's a trickster though, and loves to jest with his family. Quick to make light of a heavy solution, he loves to change a bitter mode into a more fun one. Very alert of his surroundings, he never seems to take his eye off the horizon, and its hard to get his undivided attention. Even though he seems distracted, he is a great listener and always has an ear towards those he cares about.
Plans: Neemu wants his siblings to stay together just as much as Asali does, taking on a bit of a paternal role. He is the guardian type of the family, and will do anything to protect them. He was the first to follow Asali into Alacritia, and wants to find the rest of his siblings and band them together. His dreams are to start a pride of sorts to keep all his family together, even though it is not part of their family traditions.
RP Sample: Neemu shivered as he walked through the cold woods, his long tail quivering behind him as his red eyes gazed the horizon. She had to be here somewhere. It had been hard to leave the others behind, but he couldn't let Asali just wander here on her own. He needed to find her and take her back home, or taking the rest of the family here. She had said something about wanting to stay together, but their traditions didn't allow for that. Sighing, the male's ear flickered as he stalked through the unknown land. He wanted nothing else but to keep his family as one, so maybe his sister didn't have the worst idea, perhaps it would be best if they all met up here. Sure it was colder, but he was sure that they would get used to it. It would all be worth it if they could stay together. Sniffing at the air, he sneezed at the bitter chill, but it carried his sister smell on it. Perking up the cheetah looked around with more focus, trying to pick out her dark brown form. "Asali? Is that you? Its Neemu!" he called out, white tipped paws freezing as he glanced around. She had to be here somewhere, he just knew it. He wanted to tell her that she was right, and that they could go home and gather the others. Perhaps they could even form a pride, like lions had back home. Cheetah's were solitary, like leopards, but these siblings were different. They were close, and the idea of separating killed him. Their mother would disapprove, but he didn't care much about that. His brothers and sisters were all that mattered to him, and he would do anything to have them together once again.

My focus needs more focus.