
Need plot ideas!


04-02-2013, 09:40 PM
So, I created Kasprus (who originally was supposed to be a puppy, but because one of the parents disappeared, I was able to create him as a one year old), and I need help with some ideas! I have a good idea of what I wanna do with him when he hits puberty, but until then, HALP! Lol.

Basically, he's a hyper active, yet slightly manipulative, little one year old who thinks he can conquer the world no matter what. And he thinks he knows everything, lol.

On the good side, he's a loyal guy and would go out of his way to help others - if it gets him up the ladder that is.

What I would like to do with him...

Hmm... Other than the puberty aspect.. he does need to get into a pack, but he also needs an eventual ass kicking before joining a pack lol. Sorta like a "wake up kid, this is the real world now, not some fantasy". And then after that, he might cling to whoever fought him as a mentor, or someone to guide him. Idk.

Any ideas? LOL. I am totally blanking out on this one. It's been a while since I played a youngin.

I did open up a thread here if anyone wants to jump in.