
Like Shattered Glass


04-02-2013, 09:42 PM

She hadn't had to wait long. Only a few short moments had passed before, lo and behold, someone appeared. The she-wolf could tell straight off that something was wrong with the stranger despite her only being able to see its silhouette. The way it was shaped and the way it moved gave the impression that it was either seriously wounded, or somehow crippled. And as the stranger- a male, if her nose served her true- she could tell that it was the latter. His left foreleg was missing all the way up to the juncture that met with the shoulder, and a good majority of his coat was missing, seemingly burned away. He wasn't a pretty sight, far from it, but he wasn't horrendous to behold, either. Simply... intriging, in a gruesome sort of way. Akin to being fascinated with battle scars or someone's fifth appendage.

He'd spoken. A simple greeting, but said in such a tone that she found herself at a loss for words. Had the damage done to this poor soul truly gone so far as to damage his voice as well? As was always the case when her tenacious siblings had recieved wounds of their own- be they physical or otherwise- Felicites felt her compassion rising like a tide within her chest, welling up over the brim and pouring forth to consuming her whole. "Hello to you as well, sir. " came her melodic response, blue orbs softening as they gazed up at the brute towering above them. She felt drawfed besid him, much like a child feels beside their parent, but she'd always been the smallest out of a family of giants, so the sensation was nothing new. "My name is Felicitas. Might I be so bold as to inquire about your own?" All thoughts of asking for directions were gone and out the window. She'd gone into her 'maternal mode' as her siblings had always put it, and so long as her feelings of sympathy and compassion persisted, she would continue to put her own needs aside.