
Whats new pussy cat



6 Years
05-23-2015, 07:53 PM
Voltage would quickly and easily embrace his big brother in return, the affection allowing him to pull away from his thoughts a bit more. His worry was still there, but like his emotion, it managed to flit away. But he was sure it would return again, it always did. For now, he focused on his brother and his all consuming happiness. With a bright grin he'd listen to his brother, thanking the heavens that he was finally able to see the truth that Voltage had known since the very first time he heard the name Anais. The second Glacier mentioned bringing her here, he instantly nodded. "Our home would be rather empty otherwise." He said with a gentle grin, tilting his head. "Either that or your mind would be split, and we can't have that." He said with a grin. He knew the feeling, part of his thoughts were always with Gaia and it often distracted him beyond belief. There was once he was walking along the beach when he was thinking of her and the next thing he knew he was face down in the water....for several moments without realizing it.

Love was dangerous.

When Glacier, however, asked what was wrong he shook his head just slightly. "I don't want to take away from your happiness, Glacier. I am so proud of you, for finally getting it through your thick wall that you felt a lil something for the mouse." He said with a teasing grin, but it was all there, every proud emotion and happiness for his brother. He wouldn't change it for the world, never. Anais was perfect for Glacier, and he was happy that they managed to find each other. But he was still distracted, and he couldn't help to keep it quiet any longer. "Secretua is gone, along with Glaciem..." He whispered softly. "I had an old friend, named Odette, but when I went there to invite her to visit, her pack was gone...and now, our neighbors are missing, and I haven't heard word from some other packs since before Threar's celebration.." He whispered in worry, his brows furrowed before he shook his head. "But also...this allows us the opportunity to take more space for our pack, space that allows food other than fish. With winter here, our food source will become severely scarce, we need to find a solution...and while it is terrible that Rune's pack is gone...we could claim one of the neighboring territories..." He whispered softly.
