
Whats new pussy cat



6 Years
05-23-2015, 08:44 PM
The lightning brother would grin just slightly when Glacier called him out. With a shine in his eyes he would nod just slightly. "Don't I always, brother?" He asked with a gentle grin, tiling his head up at Glacier. There really wasn't much that went over his head when it came to his family. Especially when it came to his littermate, the one he was closest too. They could have silent conversations without realizing it, think the same things and never discuss any plans because they knew they would support each other through everything. So of course voltage would notice the smallest, little changes as Glacier found himself unknowingly falling in love. Voltage would notice everything about his brother, it was just something he did. "You seem to doubt my abilities." He said with a grin.

He would hum then, gaze shifted down to the ground. How could packs just...disappear like that, without a word. He couldn't understand it, couldn't...just, couldn't. It almost seemed to scare him, to know that packs were just...disappearing like a breath of air. What did that mean for them, for Donostrea. With a gentle nod, he agreed with his brother. They needed to act, to ensure their family would get the food they needed. If Rune returned after the harsh season, they would see about the situation then, but for now...they had to act. "I can go explore the new lands...if you would want to help Anais settle in some more. We can meet up there..." He whispered softly before a thought touched his mind, ears perking slightly. "Is it just Anais? What of her family?" He asked with concern. Had something happened that he wasn't aware of?? Or did Glacier just not mention her family had come to Donostrea as well? He was...concerned.
