
Lets Get This Party Started



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-24-2015, 02:05 PM
Itching for some leg room, Enigma had come to a place where he knew he could find release. He wanted to seek out something, someone, to test his claws. And although the place seemed lonely, he could hear the distant cries of others locked in a vicious dance. Would he get that chance today too? It seemed so. He stopped when he heard the call of another, calling for an opponent it seemed. And Enigma would swiftly respond, sending a short howl of his own to say he heard it. A foul grin appeared, the young male heading towards the initial howl and he would soon come upon it, yet taking his time. He walked past bleached bones and long forgotten bodies, becoming a part of the Earth as all things eventually did. Glowing amber orbs flashed as he rounded a boulder, and he would soon spot the male who had drawn him in.

Stopping approximately ten feet away, Enigma stood with an equi-distant stance. A bemused look in his eye as he surveyed his potential opponent. He could see structured muscle beneath the others pelt, scars crisscrossed his visage, making him appear to be a quite handsome brute to some he was sure. With a smirk of delight, he spoke "You who seeks an opponent, I am him." His voice called out, his voice was loud. Clear. Unafraid and eager. He could tell the other male was older, had been in his share of fights evident by the visible scars on his face. It would do. Enigma had been wanting to test himself against an experienced opponent, win or lose he would only gain from this.

He cared not for introductions or long drawling banter, though if the other brute thought it polite to introduce himself then Enigma would oblige with a single letter. For now, he would set his defenses and wait. It was the strangers call after all, and so he would allow him the honor of striking first. Without a moments hesitation, Enigma prepared himself.
Ears leaned back against his skull, flattening to disallow a grip. Legs remained equi-distant apart, shoulders rolled forward to allow his scruff to bunch with naught but skin and fat. His eyes narrowed, hackles beginning to bristle until his hairs stood erect. Tail aligned with his spine, ready to aid him should he need to move quickly. Toes planted firmly in the ground and claws dug trenches as he attained a grip on the earth, should the brute decide to charge. His teeth bared slightly, muzzle wrinkling ever so slightly to prepare himself at a moments notice to protect his face. And lastly, his head bowed low to protect his throat like any sane creature would do. And then he'd wait.

Enigma VS Eridanus for Spar

Round 0/?

Defenses: Listed in last paragraph

Attacks: None

Injuries: None

ooc// Been a long time since I've sparred, so advanced apologies for any confusing things lol ^~^


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