
Who are you?


05-24-2015, 04:59 PM
Frost Ignea. Snow shook her head, but nothing would help her. The wolf in front of her had to be a ghost of some sort. Snow felt like she was frozen in place, her fur beginning to bristle with fear. It all came back at her. The blazing fire, the heat, the fear as she scrambled out of the camp. Her parents' gazes, wide with fear as they told her to run. When Frost spoke again, saying that Snow was dead, the light gray and white female backed away. "You're a spirit. You have to be. Gelus was the only one besides...." Her voice trailed off, her blue eyes wide with fear. After the fear had mainly gone away, Snow noticed the scent of a pack on Frost's fur.

Her sister was no ghost. Frost had made it out of the fire, too.

Snow's blue eyes started to well with tears, and she moved closer to Frost, wagging her tail. "Frost. I didn't think......" She didn't think that she would see her family again. She hadn't thought her family was still alive, or not all of her family. "I can't believe it."