
Celebrate Good Times, COME ON!


05-25-2015, 11:30 AM

Others would come to gather at the meeting as well. Tinaro, the youth who had showed up at the pack hunt. Allen held the youngster with a bit of respect in his eyes. He showed duty to his pack, that was for certain. The little blue girl would show up as well... Calypsi he believed? She had showed up at his pera and paluni training... Though sadly that had fallen through. The man had hoped for more from it but alas sometimes things were not meant to be. Not that he would get discouraged however.

Ahhh and there was young Shrike. He still had some words for the youngster about not showing up for the pack hunt, but that could come later. He would chuckle softly as the boy spoke to Nona. Oh boy... So that was beginning already was it? Another would come up to Shrike’s side too -- Lark. The other boy was rather quiet but seemed like he’d be a strong individual. Allen would wink at Nona. “This Shrike, is my beloved Nona. Nona, this is young Shrike and his brother Lark.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah