
This is how a Heart Breaks



6 Years
05-25-2015, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2015, 05:57 PM by Voltage.)
Voltage missed her terribly. Every moment away felt like an enternity of lonliness, but he had been quite busy. There was so much that he had had to do, so much responsibility. But he had to make time, especially for her. He felt terrible for taking so long to come and see her again, especially since she seemed so lonely. But he couldn't...he hadn't been able to get away. First it was Glacier's leg, then it was all the odd drama with loves ones coming to join Dono, then it was the lack of food and the beach party. While he did manage to see Gaia from time to time, he hadn't been able to see her with just the two of them in very long. It was always a party or something else...he wanted his time with her. Just her. So he went in search of his little cloud, on his way towards her pack. As always, he took the path through the shrine, knowing this way the best out of all of them. He didn't quiet know how else to get there. But it was also nice, it had some sort of emotional connection to him. This was the place where they had first announced Donostrea, it was the place where he had met Gaia, so he enjoyed walking through here. What he didn't expect, however, to find here here. He blinked the moment he saw her familiare form, Freewing atop her shoulder. His chest clenched, and he instantly knew that something had happened. For what, though, he wasn't prepared. "Gaia.." He called over the distance, quickly eating it away with his paws. He needed to reach her needed to know exactly what was wrong. "Gaia, love, why are you here?" He whispered softly as he stepped closer to her, wondering what was wrong.

"Burn Baby Burn"