
This is how a Heart Breaks



6 Years
05-25-2015, 06:32 PM
He would beside her, unable to move into a more comfortable position knowing that she was unhappy or hurt...there was something wrong. Something big. He would hold his tongue untill she chose to speak, kept his distance untill he knew she wanted his embrace. He merely stared, eyes mellowed like the grey ocean after a storm. When she spoke, however, he wasn't prepared for the hurt he felt for her at her words. All at once, it was like her world had collapsed. Her brother...her home...her family. His heard panged as he instantly would move, stepping infront of her and pulling her into his embrace, into his warmth...right where she belonged. "Oh, my dear Gaia..." He whispered softly, holding her close if she would let him. He wanted nothing more than to wash away all her worries, all her pain, to allow her to forget...but he knew he couldn't. Not only that, but this was a big thing. She had lost her fiance, and now everything else was cracking beneath her paws. He had to be strong, be steady, and let her know he was one thing that could never crumble away from her. For a moment he was silent, his eyes closed. He thought of the trip he intented to take, the one he wished to invite her on. And he wanted it all the more, if only to sweep her away from all this pain for even a short time. "What happened, Gaia?" He whispered softly, wanting to understand all of it. He had to know. Her brother was gone...did she mean he was dead, or merely no longer here? And her home...was this another one of the packs that just disappeared? A cold wave crashed over him, worry for his home and his family instant. But that wasn't the time for that. No, he needed to think about her. Everything. "What happened.." He whispered again. After he knew he would be able to help her, he would, whether it was in deciding to stay home and help her find her family, or taking her away on his trip, he would do anything for her.

"Burn Baby Burn"