
i aint gonna have your first drink be no damn peach schnapps



6 Years
Extra large
05-25-2015, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2015, 07:52 PM by Glacier.)

Voltage was going away for a little while, he was doing what he had to do for the good of their family, he was going back home to see if their parents had had another litter or not. This was important to all of them – they all knew the importance of knowing there where family out there who loved you and that wasn't something that their parents could provide. It was a selfless act on Voltage's part, because Glacier knew how he got when it came time to pick up another litter, he was always reminded of their childhood, the rejection they had felt and all they had been through. He knew Voltage hated their parents, but he chose to do this regardless, for Glacier, for this pack, and for their potential brothers and sisters.

Glacier just needed to see that Voltage would know he was loved and missed and had something to carry with him on the journey, well, his brother loved parties – what better way to show it. Glacier had been hunting and brought back a few squirrels and rabbits he had managed to track down in the snow, it had been slow work even with the help of a few family members – all of which knew Voltage would be returning to their old island home in search of another litter. After getting everyone he could to stick their asses into the cave to hide he would stand outside and howl for Voltage, hoping the lightning boy hadn't caught wind of the surprise going away party that was being planned behind his back.
