
Delightful Dilemmas


05-25-2015, 09:07 PM
Bright green eyes stared out at the landscape, the gleaming sands and the sparkling ocean on both sides. Winter was upon the land, the cold breeze batted against his fur as if urging him forward. He didn't know where this path led, but there was only one way to find out. Steadily, he took his first step upon the gleaming sands. The noon sun was up in the sky, but the weather seemed partly cloudy. Thus the circle of fire seemed to be playing hide and seek. He didn't mind, it was a relief to him to not have it burning his hide like his trek across the desert upon arrival.

The fresh scent of seafood reached his nostrils, and to be honest, he had never had food from the ocean before. He wondered what manner of creatures he might discover, and he would soon found out for his curiosity needed quenching. Aqil moved steadily at first, eventually shifting into a run, and before he knew it, he was racing across the strip! Gulls and other birds flew in a panic as he came towards them, only to land with ruffled feathers after he passed. He enjoyed the feel of the sea wind in his fur, the sand flying beneath blurred paws felt wondrous to the male. If one were to watch from far away, they might not even know he was there since he would appear to blend in with his surroundings. White pelt and blue spots, he might as well be part of the ocean view. *cough

He'd close his eyes in bliss, wishing his siblings could be here now. All of them racing each other to see who could reach the end of the trail beyond the white sands. Eventually, the male would begin to slow. Coming to a stop quite a ways from where he initially started, hunger taking over his need to run. He glanced around, he wasn't sure what he could catch in the sweeping waters here, but he would find out what he could. Aqil took himself into the shallows, already he would see little spouts of water shoot upwards as the soft mud swirled, indicating that some sort of creature had just fled beneath the surface. His interest was piqued, and he walked over and began to dig. Whatever this thing was, he would discover it. Perhaps it was a tasty morsel, and that spurred him further. Claws dug into the mud, the going a little tough but it would bear fruit at the end. His claws would scrape against a hard surface, and Aqil would scoop out what appeared to be a rock with small ridges, but on closer inspection he knew it to be a clam! Delighted, he picked it up with his teeth, belly rumbling. Now the question would he get it to open?