
There's more to find



6 Years

05-25-2015, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2015, 10:46 PM by Esarosa.)
With the blustering winds and blowing snow, Esa hardly heard the approach of another. She couldn't even detect his scent, her nose so cold and the wind blowing away from her. His rumbling tone startled her and she skittered to her paws, her nails slipping on the ice for several seconds before she could catch her balance and stand to face him. When she looked up she saw amber eyes burning into her; she was unable to tell what he was thinking, and it unnerved her slightly. Though he was a handsome brute, she wasn't so sure about him - his approach and demeanor seemed a little misleading in some way, but she couldn't put a paw on it. He seemed to hold some air of authority, though he couldn't be much older than she, if at all.

He asked what she was doing here alone... Her ears pinned back and she felt her body tense up, unsure of how to answer the question. She was always alone, after all, so what was she supposed to say? If she knew where any of her friends were, she would be with them, but they were always out of her reach. Not that it was any of his business.

Emerald green orbs met with his ambers. "Well, I was seeking the pack that resides in this area," she stated simply and honestly, "I met someone recently, and he said his home was nearby. I just don't know the lands very well..." She let her eyes wander over his form briefly, noting his height and muscular stature, larger than she but not overly so. She shook a layer of snow from her ebony coat, flicking her tail into the air and setting her head high, her stance regal and confident, though she was far from it. Not wanting to be the only one questioned, she tilted her head and posed the question at him. "So what brings you here to this terribly icy place?" she asked, scoffing at the flurries that fell around them, "There really isn't much of interest here. I wouldn't be here of my own accord."