
It's Not My Time



04-05-2013, 01:25 AM

Paws brought me swiftly from Tortuga, farther away from the place I called home. My training left me drained all the time, and today was actually a day I didn't hurt. Father kept me busy most of the time. He said I needed to be strong, stronger than most so that I could make something of myself one day. Of course I aspired to be just like him when I was older, but for now I just wanted to rest. I was pissy too. He had been badgering me all day and my moods kept changing constantly. Couldn't I just be left alone for once?

I don't know why my paws always took me to the most dangerous spots in Alacritis. First it was travelers pitfall. One wrong step and you would sink in quick sand. Now it was Mount Volkan. The volcano. You'd think that after barely escaping the eruption on our old lands that I would avoid volcanoes altogether. Nope. Not me. I was smart, but it didn't mean I wouldn't take risks, and lately I'd been taking a lot of them. I'd talked to a Seracian male and he seemed rather friendly. That was a risk in itself. Daddy would have a fit if he and the Alpha found out I'd sort of befriended a wolf from another pack. Our own pack was so secretive and we kept to ourselves. It was kind of annoying.

I peered over the lip of the volcano and tiny pebbles skittered down into the dark depths. It'd obviously been inactive for a while. It still had the possibility of blowing up, but I doubted it would any time soon. At least I hoped it wouldn't. Moving again wasn't exactly the idea thing, especially since my pack was now the closest to the damn thing. I shook my head and then backed away only to hear the irritating voice of him.

"Child. He hissed at me. God. What did he want now? The insufferable prick. "Killlllll.

He taunted me. For some reason he seemed to be a part of me. I was surprised I hadn't heard any other voices yet. There were times when I thought I could. Then again I supposed I was crazy. No one else ever complained that they heard voices in their head. I shook my head and ignored him, growing angry. He continued to pester me and my blood boiled. Oh how it boiled!

"Go the fuck away!"

I growled in annoyance and stopped when I smelled something. His voice became stronger. I couldn't kill who I smelled. That was wrong. At least, it was wrong to kill them without a purpose. Besides, I was hardly able to. So, doing the only thing I could think of I closed my eyes and cleared my thoughts willing everything to be silent and for him to shut up. Whomever I smelled could wait and if they stumbled upon me... well they might as well be ready to deal with a bi-polar, schizophrenic mess.

[ooc: Hope you don't mind first person. I switch between first and third with her depending on my mood xD]

"Speech" "He Speaks"