
from the land of our mothers



2 Years
05-25-2015, 11:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2015, 11:07 PM by Neemu.)

He had finally caught up with her scent once more, sucking in deep breaths of air. The sweet taste of her smell had him excited, his limbs working as he kicked himself into high gear in a matter of moments. He needed to find her, to hold her again and tell her that they could all be together again. It had not been the same when they had to part, when the brothers walked away and left their sisters behind. It had been the hardest moment of his life. And then to catch wind that she had left... well he certainly was not going to allow her to get far. Soon enough she saw him barreling towards him. Skidding to a halt he practically shoved his face into the earth just as she did the same. He stood and took short, quick breaths, hardly able to breath. It wasn't from the running, but more so from finally seeing her darker form again. A large smirk spread across his face as her quick greeting came out, the words running into one another. "وعليكم السلام" he replied, leaning forward to place a lick on each cheek, the left, right, and then the left and right again. So was the common greeting of their family, and they could not move on without it. His tail twirled behind him, his excitement bubbling at his breast. Ears pulled back slightly as he leaned forward to place another kiss on the top of her forehead, a soft purr rumbling in his throat. "Dada wangu wapenzi."