
Tattered Sails & Sunken Ships


05-26-2015, 12:54 PM

There was a sense of disappointment in her chest. She had hoped that the former members of Secretua might follow her, but immediately both Alamea and Warja turned her down. In a way it hurt. It hurt her deeply. Did they not trust and respect her enough? Akemi would wander away from the little gathering of her former packmates, though her mind had not changed on the matter. The plan of making a stable pack, a home for herself and her children, had not faltered. She would breathe in, determination lingering in that single orb of hers. She would not give in just yet. No... she was going to keep trying.

Akemi would look around and suddenly, as her red orb fell on the form of the youngster, she froze. Mind hadn't even registered just yet what he had in his mouth. No. Akemi recognized him even if he wouldn't recognize her. Mouth would fall agape and she would feel a trembling within her form. How could it be the young one was still alive? She had seen the fox carry him away! This... this was her baby! Her lost son!

The woman would take a small step forward, trying to find the words to call out to him. How did you tell a child you were his mother when he had never known you? How did you tell a child you never met that you loved him? She would search for her voice, finding it only once she registered the plant that was in his mouth.

"A-ack! You need to drop that plant immediately!" Alarm rose in her voice and she would charge forward, aiming to knock the poisonous plant from the boy's jaws.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'