
Something Wicked This Way Comes



05-26-2015, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2015, 01:36 PM by Annette.)
The young dame walked across the terrain of Cedar Falls. The sound of rushing water caught the pup's interest, tilting her head to the side in curiosity when a shimmer struck across the water. What were these moving shapes inside the water that let off such a shine? She was not so sure, but, she was not determined to find out so quickly. That, was when an unfamiliar scent came across her nostrils. Annette remembered her father telling her to come straight to the den when she found a scent that was not familiar to her. Her light blue optics shifted from where the scent was lingering, to the stone den from where her family had resided.

Before the child could even move, she would soon see a large form standing before her. She froze in her tracks. Who was this stranger, and what did he want with her family? These questions such as these enticed the female to move back, for she wanted no part of being hurt by this man. What creature was he? Was he a friend or a foe?

The wildcat that her family had known since day one chuckled and approached Annette, a smirk of dark intentions came across his muzzle, and that was when Annette knew that she was in trouble.

The pup ran forward, her paws running as fast as they would go; however, it was not enough to outrun the lion. The lion known as Ashamoro, ran forth with such accuracy and stamina, that it caused Annette to skid to a halt and try to move to a different direction. But, she would not move in time when she felt large claws rake across her eyeballs and eyelids, causing her to yelp in pain and collapse to the ground. She could smell the scent that was familiar to her this time: her own blood as it oozed down her eyes and ran down her body.

Ashamoro chuckled and approached the pup, his claws about ready to slash the child to pieces, and Annette became petrified, howling as loud as she could before she soon fell unconscious. The lion hissed at the pup and waited for the parents of young Annette to arrive, knowing very well that he was in for a fight for his life.