
Lets Get This Party Started



5 Years
05-26-2015, 08:28 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The boy moved to intercept Eridanus’ charge, angling himself toward the monochrome warriors right, seemingly directly into Eridanus’ shoulder attack, yet, oddly, where their chests should have impacted from a direct charge, he felt only his inner left shoulder make contact with the younger males upper right shoulder. Moderate bruising welled at the point of impact on Eridanus’ left shoulder point, but the seasoned male ignored the pain, setting it aside for the present.

His teeth sliced into Enigmas upper back, off target, and not in a good enough place to afford a good grasp as the younger male tore himself free to move in a clear attempt to position them at a 'T'. Eridanus’ left fore-paw smashed down on bare earth, the targeted paw having escaped any damage. However, Eridanus quickly resettled his weight on all four paws and bent his elbows slightly to lock his center of gravity into place as Enigma sought to shove his chest into Eridanus’ left side. Eridanus braced, and as Enigma sought to hook his left foreleg around Eridanus’ left hind hock, the veteran attempted to swiftly step his hind legs to his own right, avoiding the unbalancing attempt, though Enigmas claws scraped against the fore-point where his hind leg bend at the hock, leaving mild scrapes. It was defense mixed with an offense; in moving, he also hoped to turn the younger wolfs strength and his shove against him, taking away the support and leaving room to topple forward.

With Eridanus’ movement, Enigmas teeth would find nothing but air in his quest for Eridanus’ right thigh. The veteran sought to shift their positioning to a parallel stance, left side to left side, head to tail, his jaws seeking to gain a deep bite on the younger males lower left spine, just before the point of the pelvis, wishing to rip into Enigmas flesh and leave painful, gaping gashes behind as he sought to shake his head violently once more. His left foreleg snapped forward, his other three legs receiving his weight, tail flicking out as a balancing rudder, as he sought hook the crook of his left foreleg around the back of Enigmas left hind hock, at the point where the achilles tendon attached to the point of the hock bone, seeking to drag his younger adversary’s leg forward and out from under him and shake his balance as he attempted to shove the whole left side of his chest and outer left shoulder into Enigmas left rear side of the stomach.

His ears were held flat to his skull, nestled in his raised hackles; his eyes were narrowed to molten slits, his jaws parted, chin tucked. His shoulders were rolled forward over his neck, his neck likewise scrunched back into his shoulders, his scruff rolled up to provide a fatty, furry layer of protection. His abdomen was tensed, his tail flowing out behind him at a level with his spine, while his toes spread to add balance and his claws dug into the ground for added traction. His legs were bent slightly, his supporting three legs spread in a balancing stance as his left foreleg attempted its grappling maneuver.

-:: Eridanus vs Enigma for Spar ::-
Round 2/3




Extra Notes: I would suggest in future posts that you try to keep your paragraphs slightly smaller; say around six lines each. I had a difficult time reading your post, I'm afraid - I had to paste it in notepad and break it down in order to read it. Just a thought.