
New friends in the making


05-27-2015, 09:33 AM

Both she and her children deserved better. Something about those words, the inclusion of herself, made Akemi feel a bit of heat once more to her cheeks. She would breathe out slowly, her single gaze holding a hopeful look. Yes... She truly hoped that she would find love as well. Perhaps even within Secretua, if she she was lucky. She hoped too that it would come before she was older, before she was too old to consider another litter. While she didn’t necessarily want more children right now there was always the chance a future mate might.

It was stranger thinking about how she could be looked at with love. Yet the wolves of Secretua looked at her just as any other wolf might. She was regarded as someone normal, despite her flaws. It made her truly feel blessed here. Her walk with Ravine was turning out to be quite nice as well, giving her further hope for the things she wanted to accomplish. For some things it would only be a matter of time before they came through for her.

“Love is certainly taking a risk, but I believe it is a risk worth taking. Perhaps all you need to do is be a little more open to the idea, Ravine. From what I’ve heard about love.. It finds you when you least expect it. Perhaps it could already be under your nose and you don’t even know it.” She would smile gently at the other.

“You know... We’ll need to do this again sometime. I find I’m rather enjoying your company!”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'