
Now I'm running for my life


05-27-2015, 05:34 PM

Akemi’s words were met with a growl. She should have expected the stranger to not necessarily be willing and ready to jump the gun and begin talking. Yet, all the same, she would try to find some sort of way to make peace with him and make him talk. The woman would breathe in, deciding to shift the attention so to speak for now. “You know... At one point and time I was in a rut too.” Akemi would begin, keeping her voice level.

“I was probably pretty close to your age. A little younger than I am now. I met a monster of a wolf in size and thought. He wrecked my being. He tore my face, ripped out an eye, shredded my ears, and removed my tail...” The woman wouldn’t pause, continuing to speak on.

“He violated me. He had me bear his children. I thought my world was ending. I thought that I was never going to be the wolf that I was... That I was ruined for good.” Akemi would let her gaze trail back to him. Even if he didn’t look at her she would keep speaking.

“I went to a pack, seeking help. I was accepted there as a regular member, and you know what? I was told originally it was yes, out of desperation they took someone as beat up as I am. But I proved to them, and to myself, that no matter what scars you bear you can come out stronger. I became the huntress of that pack before it fell apart, a leading rank.” Akemi would keep her gaze upon the man.

“When life sucks the best thing you can do is spit back in it’s face and tell it to fuck off. If it hands you shitty cards, so what? You can overcome anything you put your mind to.”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'