
The Edge of Glory [M]

fable by kit

04-03-2013, 03:06 AM

There was something about a warm sunning rock paired with the symphony of running water that tamed the not so savage beast dwelling within Fable's fiery soul. At present, the she-wolf lay stretched out on her side on a particularly slap of stone, eyes closed and ginger tail slowly thumping to a tempo lacking a beat. How long had she been there? Minutes? Hours? Days? Hell if she knew, nor could she bring herself to care. As far as she knew, she'd died and gone to wolf heaven. All that was missing were the hunky brutes and endless supply of fresh kill. Maybe a roudy companion or two, just to keep things lively.

"A lass could ge' used ta' this." she crooned, rolling onto her back and paddling the air with creamy paws. Her right ear twitched when a droplet from a nearby cascade of water landed on her head. Normally she would be annoyed with getting her fur wet, but at present she was too far gone to mind. Releasing a sigh, and giving her back a good wiggle or two until finding a comfortable balance, she opened her eyes to reveal light green to sky blue with the occasional plume of white. Maybe if she stayed still long enough she'd start to see things in the clouds.