
Tattered Sails & Sunken Ships



8 Years
Dragon Mod
05-28-2015, 12:37 AM
Surprised shocked him. Shiki felt the weight of another crash into him, sending him rolling a few short feet and the flower flying from his grip. He remained still for a moment as he tried to figure out what just happened, and when he opened his eyes and spotted the tattered female, his fur bristled slightly. He had never been attacked like that, and although he was quite timid, he was a bit upset that this stranger would keep his beautiful prize from him. He quickly rose onto his feet, eyes burning with anger but at the same time holding apprehension, fear, uncertainty. "Who do you think you are?! I was gonna give that to my mother! You have no right attacking me like that!" He growled a bit, noting that the torn apart female was the same height as he. That was strange...he had never met another wolf the same height as him. His anger seeped, though it seemed to be fading in and out with his mixture of fear and uncertainty. Yes, he was angry. But could he attack this pitiful looking creature? Honeyed gaze noted her appearance. She had a missing eye, her ears were torn, her tail was missing, she had scores of battle wounds and scars all over her. Who the hell was she and what did she do to deserve that? Probably looking for fights like she just did with me...well, if that's the way she wants it.

Shiki didn't know how to fight, but he sure as hell would try. His ears pinned back, hackles rising, body stiff and his teeth bared. He would show this woman...or maybe she would show him. He was sure if she had been in fights, which was obvious, that he wouldn't have a chance. But maybe she wasn't that good a fighter? Otherwise, why would she let herself look the way she is now? It unnerved him, but he had already stepped across that boundary and there was no going back. He barked at her, trying to sound threatening but a hint of nervousness seemed to expose itself as well. Dammit...why couldn't he ever be more confident?! No matter. Ready or not, he charged at her. He ran towards her, teeth bared and little legs carrying him quickly. He aimed to charge into her, to knock her over like he had done to him. Maybe give her a nip or two for making him drop his flower. And if she bit back, then..he'd have to figure it out from there. But right now, he was quite upset...and frightened.

Shiki vs Akemi for...unofficial spar

Akemi can just swat him aside or you can do whatever. pp if you wanna :)