
i thought of angels choking on their halos



7 Years
Extra large

05-28-2015, 03:07 PM
Geeze, he thought silently to himself, pondering. What would mom and dad say if they saw me right now? Surely they would be furious at his brashness, though part of him figured his father might scold him in front of his mother but tell him how proud he was of his physical feat later. A slight grin tugged at his lips at the very thought. Now if only he could make it back to solid ground safely.

His ears would swivel toward her as she spoke, answering his question.  "That's weird," he commented dryly. He couldn't imagine being taken from his home, his parents, and being raised by anyone else. He certainly couldn't imagine not being welcomed back home... nor growing fond of the wolves that had taken him prisoner. A slight frown tugged at his mouth as she leaped forward. His own body would stiffen, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the rock she had stood on previously. Here goes nothing.

With another less-than-graceful leap, he landed on the next rock. Once again, his arrival on the solid stone was not at all graceful and the oversized boy fumbled as he tried to keep himself from slipping into the rapids. Now, he was not just one jump from the shore, but two. He couldn't help himself -- it felt like she was showing off a bit, and her words sent a bristle of irritation through him. He could keep up with her, even if not as gracefully, even though he hadn't seen "hardship" as she called it.  "Sounds like you're a bit jealous," he'd taunt quietly. Was it really such a good thing that she'd seen hardship and that she'd experienced pain and loss?  "So what if I've had an easy life? It sounds way better than yours." It wasn't meant to be mean.. it was just the truth. Why had she brought it up, anyway? Who was she to judge him and his life?