
your love is all I need to smile



2 Years
05-28-2015, 05:51 PM
How many days has it been...two or three? Yes...that was right. Only a few days ago had she been accepted into Fiori by Tiburtius' grandmother, Epiphron. She loved it here, and she had busied herself with making a little den along the outskirts of Lover's Mangrove. It was small, but quaint and beautiful once you stepped back to observe it. She even added little decorations of flowers and vines around it. But even with this new home, her heart churned for Tiburtius. She wished he were there...and maybe she could snuggle into that fluffy grey fur of his. They could even spar a bit...well, playfully, of course!

She just felt the undeniable need for his comfort. But...he was probably busy with all of this pack stuff. And he was getting older, too. She need to give him the space and time he needed. Breathing out gently, Arivae squeezed out of her little den and stretched her tiny legs, a quiet yawn leaving her maw. What would she do today? It was snowy and cold...but with her thick coat, it might not bother her as much to play in the white powder. Swiping her tongue over her maw, she moved forward and dipped her head into the nearest stream, lapping gently at the cool, clear water.

After, she sat there to think for a bit, before standing and leaping into a nearby pile of snow. It was cold...really cold. But it was fun, and she needed something to keep her happy and occupied. Arivae nosed her way into the cool powder and poked her head out the side, snow covering her nose and most of her face. Her innocent blue eyes became bright with joy, and she laughed aloud, shaking her head and continuing to play in the snow excitedly.