
Haunting Past



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-29-2015, 05:30 PM

It was here, that she would return. The femme hadn't been here for ages, and the last time she was, she could not remember. Her fur was buffeted by the cold wind, fiery amber gaze seemingly empty yet hardened as she stared out over the sands. Her vision unmoving as she stood upon the shore looking out over the water, the evening sunset casting its fiery glare upon the surface. The scents were gone. Then again, she didn't expect them to linger anymore...her old life, vanished. Her heart ached for her lost family. She had left Alacritia on a journey to find her mother and father, but she couldn't find a single trace nor whisper of their whereabouts. Having left behind her remaining siblings, Avalon risked the journey alone. And along the way, she gained nothing but how to survive now. She hadn't been able to do it before, hardly. Having been abandoned at a young age, kidnapped, and then released into a world where everything seemed so cruel. She had been afraid, and although still felt like that at times, she was also stronger.

A soft sigh escaped her lips. The large female beginning to move forward towards the cold water. Winter was upon the land it seemed, and it was around this time a couple years ago she had left on her search. This was the place she had come to first in hopes of finding her family. The place where they had grown up...the place, they called home. But home was nowhere, it seemed. Her home had been with her family, and although the memories would always remain, there would also be a piece of her missing. She missed her family so much...but maybe it was now time to let go.

She stood at the edge of the water, the incoming tide lapping at her paws. The spray of every incoming wave began to soak her belly fur, and yet she did not mind. Was there anything left here for her? With no family, and nowhere to go, what was she to do? She remembered the old Alphess she had met before, Chrysanthe had been her name...but that was so long ago. Was she still around? Blinking away the droplets of moisture from her eyes, Avalon turned away from the water, and began walking along the beach to the South. It was cold here in the North, and although it didn't bother her, she didn't want the memories coming back to haunt her. This was the place she had lived...her life stripped away at such a young age. Her family gone. Her heart...broken. Although she could cope with it, she would always feel a piece of her missing.



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