
The Heat In The Winter

Mercy I


5 Years

05-30-2015, 12:20 AM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2015, 12:20 AM by Mercy I.)

She snorted when he brought up their first meeting, when she had thrown a tantrum and destroyed her parents old den. They had almost had sex that time as well, leaving Mercy hot and heavy and sending her directly back into her brothers arms. The memory made her pupils dilate as her need to be pleased rose. She eyed him thoughtfully when he spoke about a healer, chuckling softly. She was a very, very stubborn girl and there was no use to push her to get anything done. So instead she said nothing, hardly flinching when she reopened a shoulder wound. He growled at her to go and see a healer, and she returned the growl. But hers had a new note in it -- lust. She walked around Kyarst as waved her heat scent all around him,, not wanting to speak of healers now. He needed to be patched up himself, so she wasn't going to listen to him. There were so many better things that they could be doing with their time right now, and it was just wasting away with all this chat of others. No, she was interested in just him at the moment. But her ears picked up on the word soon. She smirked, humming as her tail ran down his flank. It would seem that he was picking up on things as well, but he didn't blame her. They had been down this road before, it wasn't unknown to them. Settling into the familiar dance, her lust quickly rose to make her body thrum with energy. Perhaps they both were rebels, him not obeying rules and her fighting tigers. "I never liked rules." she hummed softly, pausing in front of him as her eyebrow rose at his statement. More injuries? Her curiosity peaked for a moment, gears grinding to try and connect the dots he was placing for her. Until she heard his growl, causing the fur to raise down her spine. Purple eyes roamed downwards to his manhood. She had noticed that it had been erm... swollen. But she had simply left that to his arousal at her scent. "Did someone harm you greatest tool?" she asked softly, eyes cutting back towards his face as he leaned into her. His hot breath washed over her featured, her own breathing hitching in her throat. He wanted her to take a closer look then? Growling she moved along his flank again, roughly brushing up against him as she did indeed look closer. Slowly her tongue snaked out of her mouth as she placed a delicate kiss on his manhood, her tail curling over her back as her claws dug into the frozen earth. Her need was growing fast as she pressed another soft kiss there. "All better?" she asked softly, pulling back slowly to try and catch his green gaze.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.