
There's more to find



6 Years

05-30-2015, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2015, 02:32 AM by Esarosa.)
Esa felt a twinge of annoyance, her brow furrowing as he told her she was in the wrong place with his matter-of-fact demeanor. Her upper lip quivered, disgruntled by his statement. After all, she hadn't asked for any help finding the pack she was seeking, and she was already well aware that she hadn't found them yet. Does he think I'm just plain stupid? she wondered, Not like I have to answer to him, anyways... She didn't really know what pack she was looking for, but she wasn't in a hurry to find them; she just knew that eventually she would come across a group of wolves living in the North, and thus she would find her friend.

She saw the hair along his neck prickling, and with a raised brow wondered what was crawling in his pelt. Why did he seem so annoyed when it was indeed he who had approached and startled her? Not only that but he addressed her with a dark look in his amber orbs and a cool edge to his voice. He was not exactly being friendly, and she would respond in kind. She couldn't help it when her own hackles spiked slightly, for she could sense the somewhat malicious intent of this brute, but she didn't have enough experience with his kind to know what to expect, or when to expect it. Maybe nothing would happen, but she felt somewhat on edge, watching his face carefully for any change in expression, though it seemed he would give away nothing.

The young she-wolf didn't care much that he seemed offended by her depiction of these lands. He'd asked, after all. She didn't know him and she didn't feel obligated to say things that would keep him happy or proud. If he felt offended, then so be it. She couldn't help but clack her tongue and roll her eyes. He was so touchy. "Well I wasn't born here, and I'm accustomed to much milder weather," she retorted, flicking her tail irritably, "I don't see what a place like this has to offer for someone like me - if you haven't noticed, I stand out like a... well, you know, you must have spotted me from a mile away!" Looking over him, he just seemed more and more agitated, but she didn't know why. She wasn't used to dealing with these types. "Like I said, I'm only here because I'm looking for someone," she repeated to him, watching his eyes closely, "I'm a traveler, and I just so happened to make it this far North, but I don't intend to stay here forever. Just passing through, basically." Would he understand now, or would he take further offense? Perhaps he was just looking for trouble, and Esarosa wouldn't put it past him.