
Chuckie Wants To Play With You



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-30-2015, 05:30 PM
It had been a while. Amber gaze looked around, the male gazing at the new lands that had sprouted since he left. They were peculiar, to say the least. Vastly different then what lied on the mainland. The blood painted demon walked forth, heading towards the sound of rushing water to quench his thirst. He had been traveling a long journey, to find his former pack and bring back those he could and start anew. But it seemed, they were no more. Wiped out by their own greed and brutality, war had broke out and he had participated against the opposing pack. He felled many with his own teeth, but the pack itself had been flawed. Though they were strong, they lacked the number that might have won the battle. And now, it was no more then a memory burned away like flame to a piece of paper. Sin had walked away, though wounded and barely alive. Luckily, a healer had found him and mended him back to health. And now, the only sign of his battle was the triad of scars that marked across his left eye as well as his torn left ear. He was lucky to not have been blinded, his quick thinking having save him, but barely.

As the memories faded away, so did the number of steps to the pool of water. Already, he saw the waterfall pouring from its source into the pool below. Fresh clear droplets of water mottled his pelt, and the beast would take several long drinks before he was satisfied. The devil looked around, amber orbs narrowing at the landscape. He scented many things here...prey, plants, the most prominent being the evergreen trees and pines. Cedar, the strongest of them all. Although it was winter, the lands here seemed to retain their lushness, though perhaps it was because of their location that the seasons had yet to touch them. Then again, he knew not how long ago these lands had sprouted. And among these smells, he could scent something just beneath...other wolves. He wondered then, who his new neighbors would be.