
Parting is such sweet sorrow



4 Years
05-30-2015, 06:08 PM

With it all laid out before her, Warja began to feel a little overwhelmed. She had so much stuff. Secretua had felt so permanent, so rock solid, that she'd never imagined it would be gone one day. At least not in her lifetime. Kismet's big, gentle voice broke through her anxiety and the little fae turned to smile softly at her friend. This was so hard. Before she could reply, her mother was there and offering to help too. "I'm going to need all the help I can get. When did I get so much stuff?" Seriously. It was like it had been breeding in the back.

A sudden, nauseating wave of emotion swept over her and Warja fell upon her stash and started to set aside various bundles. "Mom, this is oak bark, it's good for swelling and pain. Just soak it in water and then soak a skin," She added the small skin of a prey animal to the pile, "In the water and stick it where it hurts. Um..." What else? She wanted them to be prepared. Warja grabbed a carefully wrapped wad of cobweb. "You can put cobwebs on open wounds to slow bleeding. Same with Lamb's Ear." The fae tossed some into the pile for good measure.

Okay, this wasn't going to work. She had too much stuff she wanted to give them and not enough ways to carry it all. Even if each of her siblings carried something there would still be leftovers, and that was assuming she could get them all to carry something. After a moment's thought, Warja dove back into her den and emerged with the skin of a coyote. She dropped it unceremoniously and began to transfer the pile from its place on the ground to the center of the skin. Grabbing a small bundle, she said, "This is yarrow, plantain and elderflower. It's also good for wounds. Everything you need to use it is in the bundle." Her ears flicked back. This was making her a bit nervous. She wished they'd just come with her, even if only for awhile.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno