
Haunting Past



6 Years
05-30-2015, 06:09 PM

As he listened, he would come to know more of the injustice of his father. Days on end he constantly tried to see why his dad had done these things. As if there was a valid reason, and perhaps it was not his own fault. However, it was his egotistical mind that made him that way. Isardis had vanished from these lands and thankfully so with his mother. If they ever came back, he felt as if he would snap and should his death ensure from trying to harm him, that would be his very fate. She would go on to call him brave, it made Vereux chuckle. He was no brave man, he was simply, a man.

"I see, a few seasons ago I was a slave. Some old mud pack who stole me and an adravendi away who I still consider a friend." Vereux said with a nod of his head. He wanted to comfort her in one way or another. If he could at least do that, maybe he'd be a better man. He would dip his head in respect towards her, he became a little more relaxed after she explained she was not afraid. Simply, the unpleasantnesses of life had taken many of her thoughts away.

"I suppose I know how it feels, only a little at least. I had a good family once, before I was taken as a slave. A beautiful wife, and handsome sons. Yet, when I came back after escaping, my previous wife's new mate told me I didn't belong. I hadn't been there for most of my sons life, so they didn't feel as if I was their father. I felt as if something very important had been stolen from me. So... I fled to Ebony soon enough a young woman had the pack after it was handed over to her and now I'm in a pack named Yfir." Vereux would smile at Avalon. He would still keep his distance but at this point would ask of her something. "If you feel as if you are lost... why not come to Yfir. I will not press you, the pack is very warrior orientated. They are not soft but nor are they a kingdom like the ice devil once ruled. Life there is not easy, but if you'd come I'd protect you and perhaps there you could find your sense of purpose." His green eye sparkled a little bit. She was probably his senior, but something about him screamed to make sure that she kept on living. That she had a reason, let the pain set in and only it fuel the need to fight. To fight for a better tomorrow, and for their own hearts to beat more.

?I speak?