
Amathena boys

Athena I


9 Years
05-30-2015, 07:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2015, 03:12 PM by Athena I.)
We have two handsome boys up for readoption! For those of you that don't know, Vitus and Archelus were from Athena and Vereux's only litter. Athena and Amalia were married and Amalia adopted the boys and they were raised for pretty much their whole lives with just their two mothers. Vereux hasn't been a major part in their lives since the boys moved to Fiori with Athena and Amalia, but they're all on fairly good terms now. The boys are a year old and born in the fall.

I have been playing Athena for a long time now and she's still one of my favorite characters to play. She loves her sons very much and gave up everything for them and Amalia so I really want them all to be active so we can all enjoy the feels and awesomeness they have in their adorable little family! Not to mention Amalia is about the cutest thing on four legs so you'll get to enjoy Momma Ama, as Tiburtius likes to call her, too.

Because they have both been played a fair amount I would like to keep their personalities and appearances at least similar to how they are now.


Current personality and a few little facts!: "Vitus is a shadow among his family, the silence in the madness. At the start of his life it was believed the child could not speak, his vocal cords ceased to develop and work. He neither whined nor growled, nor made a sound even as he grows. It is not until he enters his early teenhood that he would speak, though in very few words and with difficulty. His actions are subtle, the flick of emotion over his face almost indistiguishable. It is silence that is his friend, and the shadows that hide him untill he matures into adulthood. Yet, he is not alone, nor is he a loner. The boy loves and he trusts those he loves almost to a fault. When he chooses someone to enter into his life and his heart entirely he lays himself out to them. Loyalty is everything to him, and he is blinded by it. His life belongs to those he is loyal too, and he will lay it on the line to protect them, be it family, pack, friends or love. And yet he desires for no recognition. Infact, he shies away from it. Shies from compliments, from words of affection, unless it is something he needs and only from those really close to him. It is as if he is fearful to accept them as truths, because good words hurt more than fangs when they are proven false. No, actions speak louder, and he would rather a loyal companion at his side than a few good words. And yet, true to his family name, he is a friend of anger. As a child, his anger flows through him in silent actions, in fights with his family and animals that are not fast enough to flee from him. But as he grows, he learns to channel it, to funnel it into his limbs, his muscles and his reflexes. He uses his malic to become his might, and often times it floods his brain. He fights as easily as he breathes, and he becomes restless when he doesn't. As he matures, he takes a hero's mantle, using his might and his power to protect those he loves, and because his heart and his life belongs to those chosen few, he is quick to rush in. Strong, capable, but blinded by love and trust and all those things that control him. A dreamer's hero.

Due to the incest, Vitus has undeveloped vocal cords, that when used creates a scratching in his throat, and the words are hard to come out in their full form. Sometimes if he talks too much his throat tastes like blood due to the sratching. However, this could easily have healed a bit throughout his adulthood if chosen."


Current personality: "Though his early days were quite the mess, his mother having recently stepped down from her rank and father having ran away from everything Archelaus has still retained quite the sense of pride. It simply must be within his genes to have an ego for some part of him certainly still retains a prince-like glory in his proud demeanour. He is Archelaus Armada and he is great. A little bit of family pride of course didn't hurt anyone, the problem arises by the simple fact that he is content to simply ride around on his family's coat tails, no ambitions to extend the legacy himself. Of course he is young, there is plenty of time to develop any goals but he is rather lazy. He has no aspirations to grow up and participate in all the big-boy jobs, no desires to develop excellence in any skill he is content simply to be him. Again perhaps this wouldn't be such a big problem without that ego, as an Armada is practice really necessary, aren't they just born brilliant? This boy certainly has a lot to learn. Though he is somewhat lacking male role models within his life, the boy has somehow acquired a certain viewpoint on what a man should be and aspires to live up to that. It means he's not exactly keen on emotional rubbish and struggles to cope with them. It's not only his own emotions, which is bottles up but if others are upset around him, he finds himself rather unsure on how he is meant to comfort them."

Form to apply for one of these boys:
<b>Any changes:</b>Any changes to the current appearance or personality?
<b>Appearance:</b> 100 word minimum. Reword if keeping the same.
<b>Personality:</b> 150 word minimum. Reword if keeping the same.
<b>RP sample:</b> At least a couple paragraphs so I can get a feel of how you would play them.