
Haunting Past



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-30-2015, 08:31 PM

She watched him rise, her heart pounding. She was about to make the decision that could possibly change her life forever. She shivered, but not from the cold. It was at the prospect of joining a pack. The promise that this male she had just met, was making to her. She wanted to trust him, wanted to believe that these promises were real...and so she'd place herself in his trust. On his word. She nodded, standing when he stood. His question burning in her ears and tugging at her heart. She didn't know if this was the right choice, but she wouldn't know until she tried at least. And she knew its what her father would have wanted...

She glanced out at the water once more, the sun had disappeared and the waves came in stronger, the cold water lapping at her forepaws. She swallowed back the memories and feelings that threatened to choke her. This was a life she had to leave behind..and though the memories of her family would forever remain in her heart, she. Couldn't stay in this place any longer. Not alone. Looking at Vereux, a single unspoken question filtered through her eyes. Do you promise? She was afraid to voice out loud, but she had to place trust in someone...hope and trust was all she had going for her these days. It was all she had her whole life. And she was willing to take that leap of faith. "Yes, I'll go with you." She was scared, but excited at the same time. She had to find her place sooner or later...and maybe, just maybe...this would be it.



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