
am I more than you bargained for yet

Absinthe 1

05-31-2015, 09:41 PM

ooc. sorry this isn't that good! D:

The child noted that the darker femme seemed disappointed that she didn't know too much about plants. Well, what was she to do about it? A small frown would crease her features. The vivid coated female would explain that her daughter wanted to find this plant, but the only place she'd seen it was in their old home. Oh, that made sense. If you had to go all the way back home to find something, after you'd been kicked out of it, wasn't good at all. Her concerns with returning were mentioned, which seemed perfectly logical to the babe. Yeah, moms were pretty important. "Well, maybe I've seen it somewhere," She would mumble, shrugging. "what does it look like?" Soft drawling tones would enquire, cranium tilting to one side ever so slightly. There were lots of plants around here, it wouldn't be crazy to think she might have seen it somewhere around. She'd travelled in her life, but she'd learned a lot about the place she now called home. The water in the mangrove glowed, but not because of magic. There were little fishie creatures that didn't like being touched, so they warned everyone off by glowing. It was way cooler than magic.
