
Celebrate Good Times, COME ON!



7 Years
Extra large

06-01-2015, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2015, 10:49 AM by Lark.)
Though it didn't seem it, he was inwardly pretty bummed that only Shrike was here so far. Not that he minded spending time with his enthusiastic brother, but he'd hoped to see the rest of his siblings here too. Allen quickly spoke up, introducing Nona to them, and Lark would merely nod as let out a soft "Hi." His attention would sway again, watching as Calypsei spoke to him. Figuring he ought at least show some respect for those that had arrived, as that was what his father would want to see, he'd force the faintest of smiles to her. Even though they'd hung out before, and he had enjoyed the time, he couldn't recall smiling in front of her.

His dad was quick to arrest his attention from his friend, and his head would jerk to the side as he listened to Bass. He wanted suggestions on what to do for a game. He fell silent for awhile as he considered, noting that Starling had arrived characteristically late. He was quickly drawn to Rhythm and Lark's gaze would follow him. Briefly, he would turn after him, leaning to whisper something in his ear. "Fare attenzione a chi vi fidate," he said quietly. His own Italian wasn't that good, and surely not nearly as good as Starling's, but he felt the words were necessary.

Once again, his attention was taken away as Tinaro shouted happy birthday to them all. This time, his smile was genuine as he flashed the other male a grin. It was ridiculous to be so loud, for no reason, and while it wasn't something he would do.. it was pretty entertaining. Finally, after considering for awhile, he'd speak up, directing his words to his father. "We could try to cross the rapids," he'd offer boldly, though he was fairly certain his dangerous idea would be quickly shot down. "Maybe see who can cross the fastest?"