
Chuckie Wants To Play With You



06-01-2015, 01:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2015, 01:17 PM by Annette.)
Annette sat upon her haunches and heaved a small sigh, a small mist of carbon dioxide from her breath formed around her maw before vanishing into non-existence. The smell of the male wolf of whom which she had encountered, surrounded her nostrils like the cold on a winter’s night. Who was this male? He was, thankfully, not the mountain lion that had damaged her eyes, and he certainly did not smell like any of her family members; but, she did not mind talking to the brute if he did not harm her. The grey and white child stood up, her eyes looking upward and stopping from which she had assumed to be where his eyes were located and spoke in a calm yet childish voice.
“My Mother and Father went out to hunt, and my older brother and sister were in charge of watching me. They fell asleep, and, well…”She paused for a couple seconds before continuing to speak to the stranger, “They had fallen asleep, and I was thirsty so I went on my own,” she explained, hanging her head low in shame. She did know that her parents would not wish for her to be harmed again, especially after what happened before. The girl, also, did not wish for her brother and sister to be in trouble. She loved her family, and she would do anything for them as they would do the same for her. “My name is Annette, by the way. If I may ask, what is your name?” She tilted her head to the side in question, intrigued by the brute and curious about his name, wondering if they might ever cross paths again in the coming years, knowing very well that he was much older than she was. However, he did seem like a kind man, but, that could all change, for her mother told her to never judge someone by first meeting, you must get to know them first before thinking anything serious.