
Rise and Shine, Sunshine!


06-01-2015, 04:26 PM

Ahh morning. So a wonderful, beautiful time of the day. Allen would rise with the sun, carefully sneaking away from his beloved’s side. He wanted to surprise her. He would leave the den, a thought in mind as he went to search for whatever herbs he could find in this weather. The winter had come in, most of the frost and snow wiping out the plants. But alas, he managed to find some of the agrimony that had survived the weather. Much longer thought and it would have probably all been dead but Allen would count his blessings that it wasn’t.

Picking the plant he would head back to the den, carrying it carefully in his jaws. He’d slink back to the den before the sun had risen much further, trying to sneak inside and drop the plant in a careful arrangement near her. If all went well he’d settle back to sleep at her side. If not, well, he was probably going to come face to face with a mate who was wondering where he’d sneaked off to.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah