
The Edge of Glory [M]

fable by kit

04-03-2013, 02:13 PM

"Holy crap!" came her startled yelp, green eyes growing wide as saucers and fur standing on end as her ears were assaulted with an unknown voice. She'd been just sinking into the groove of cloud gazing when she'd been disturbed by a loud greeting, followed by a question concerning her purpose at the falls. A low growl of irritation rumbled in her throat as she rolled onto her stomach, eyes narrowing as she took the villain who'd stolen her peace. He was a young looking thing, all black fur and bulky mass. His eyes though, they stood stark in contrast against his pelt, as milky pale as the moon itself. Blind? Eh, served him right for giving her a fright like that.

"What do ya think I'm doin' here, boyo? I'm sun bathin'. Or atleast I was, till ye came along." Her Irish accent thickened as she ranted on, pushing herself onto all fours and approaching him with an air of finality. If he'd disturbed her relaxation, he'd better well have a damn good reason. Or at least some way to compensate. Twas only fair, after all.