
The Essence of Life


06-02-2015, 04:51 PM
(It's a lot to read, but required for these adopts. Please read carefully, and if you think you can handle one then feel free to apply. Not all applicants will get one, and I'm gonna be pretty picky about who gets one as they must remain active! Also, all designs will need to be paid for except for the FIRST one.)

The Essencia History & Beliefs

The Essencia's are a new generation believed to be born from another time. They are foreign, their world vastly different then that of normal wolves and their beliefs reflect this. For Essencia's don't believe they are beings created like everyone else, instead, they strongly believe that their souls were brought through the rift of Time and Space, and the Essence of their being created by Lord Arceus, and Mother Mew.

Arceus is believed to be the sole creator of every element, every being, as well as the Earth itself. While Mew is believed to be the one who gives and breathes into each being, a Soul. Thus giving life to the creations of Arceus. And from them, more beings of Legend were created. Among them were Entei, the God of fire. Raikou, the God of thunder. Suicune, the God of water. Mewtwo, a creature genetically created from the DNA of Mew, who proved himself and became a legendary being of psychic energy. Darkrai, the Lord of chaos. Celebi, the guardian of mother nature. Articuno, Guardian of the North. Jirachi the Wish maker. And finally, the twins Latios & Latias, the guardians and protectors of all who live. And from these beings, the Essencia's were born.

And it was also from these beings, the elements of each Essencia were given.

Entei gave unto an Essencia, the gift of passion. Thus creating, Flareon.

Raikou gave unto an Essencia, the gift of courage. Thus creating, Jolteon.

Suicune gave unto an Essencia, the gift of purity. Thus creating, Vaporeon.

Mewtwo gave unto an Essencia, the gift of wisdom. Thus creating, Espeon.

Darkrai gave unto an Essencia, the gift of protection. Thus creating, Umbreon.

Celebi gave unto an Essencia, the gift of life. Thus creating, Leafeon.

Articuno gave unto an Essencia, the gift of elegance. Thus creating, Glaceon

Jirachi gave unto an Essencia, the gift of friendship. Thus creating, Sylveon.

Latios & Latias gave unto an Essencia, the gifts of innocence & curiosity. Thus creating, Eevee.

The family strongly believes that many different Gods play a role in the world they live in. And they are as follows:
Ho-Oh--The Sun God, believed to be responsible for the appearance of the sun.

Lugia--The Bringer of Storms, believed to be responsible for hurricanes, typhoons, etc.

Entei--The Fire God, believed to be the cause of erupting volcanoes.

Raikou--The Thunder God, believed to be the cause of lightning & thunderstorms.

Suicune--The Water God, believed to keep the waters safe and pure.

Articuno--The Winter Guardian. One of the three sky guardians.

Zapdos--The Autumn Guardian. One of the three sky guardians.

Moltres--The Summer Guardian. One of the three sky guardians.

Shaymin--The Spring Guardian. Believed to give life to all flora, as well as revive them.

Celebi--The Forest Guardian.

Jirachi--The Moon God. Believed to be responsible for the appearance of the moon & stars.

Groudon--The Earth Guardian. Believed to be creator of the land. Responsible for earths catastrophes. Kyogres rival.

Kyogre--The Sea Guardian. Believed to have created the Oceans. Responsible for ocean catastrophes. Groudons rival.

Rayquaza--The Sky Guardian. Believed to keep peace between Kyogre & Groudon as well as quelling natural catastrophes.

Latios & Latias--Guardians of the innocent. Believed to protect children.

Dialga--Guardian of Time.

Palkia--Guardian of Space.

Giratina--Guardian of the After Life. Believed to guide souls to their eternal homes.

Reshiram--Guardian of Light. (Ie. For good chars, "he/she is blessed by Reshiram.")

Zekrom--Guardian of Darkness. (ie for evil chars, "he/she is cursed by Zekrom.")

Kyurem--Guardian of Light & Dark. Believed to balance out both Light & Dark. (Example for neutral character: "He/she is touched by Kyurem.")

Darkrai--Lord of Chaos. Believed to be responsible for corruption of ones soul.

Cresselia--Guardian of Serenity & Happiness. Believed to instill these qualities into ones soul.

Xerneas--Guardian of Life. Believed to balance out the planets life.

Yveltal--Guardian of Death. Believed to bring death to all living things.

Zygarde--Guardian of Protection.

Arceus--Creator of All.

Mew--The Life Giver. Believed to give all living beings, a heart and soul.

The Essencia Adoptions

--The Essencia's believe themselves to be special, but like anyone else, they also have their strengths and weaknesses.
--Names may not be changed without running it by me first. If you wish to change a name, it must pertain to their "essence." If the first name is changed, then their original name must be their middle name.

--Essencia's are extremely loyal to each other, and never abandon their own. To do so, means exile and stripping of the last name and will be treated as if they are non-existent. If an Essencia chooses to bring dishonor to their name, then severe maiming is given. Depending on the extent of the crime that dishonors the Essencia's, death may occur without question and they must accept it. This is their tradition. A written law by the belief of Yveltal, for the offending Essencia will have been believed to be corrupted by Lord Darkrai and The Guardian Zekrom, and thus must be extinguished. Second chances are uncommon, but will be allowed by the decisions of the rest of the Essencia family. Ie, if Umbreon commited a crime, then the decision to be put to death, maimed, or allowed a second chance will have to be voted on by the rest of the family.
--In the event a decision does not become agreeable, then exile & stripping of their name will occur. A later vote may be taken if the exiled Essencia chooses to return, and try for a second chance. But rarely if ever, does an Essencia bring dishonor or commit any crimes.

Each Essencia is given their best two stats that they excel in, as well as their worst 1 or 2 stats, that they do poorly in. They are as follows.

HP--Stamina (hunting, fighting, navigation)

Attack--Strength (fighting)

Defense-- Defense (defensive fighting)

Special Attack--Excels in healing, & intellectual offense (specifically for Flareon, a hot head, he knows how to talk and how to piss people off)

Special Defense--Excels in healing & intellectual defense (not easily tricked)

Speed--Fast on their feet. (hunter/navigation/quick fighters)


The baby of the group. May be well rounded in each skill/stat. Born in Autumn, pup. (Normal Essence)


The excitable one. Eldest brother. Excels in Speed & Attack. Does poorly in Special Defense. Born in Summer, 3yrs old. (Thunder Essence)


The Hot head. 2nd Eldest. Excels in Sp. Attack & Speed. Does poorly in defense. Born in Summer, 3yrs old.(Fire Essence)


The calm one. 3rd eldest. Excels in HP & Sp. Defense. Does poorly in attack & speed. (Born in Summer, 3yrs old. (Water Essence)--Caimed by Lolaf.


The intelligent one. Excels in Sp. Defense & Speed. Does poorly in HP & Sp. Attack. Born in Winter, 2yrs. (Psychic Essence)


The mysterious one. Excels in HP & Defense. Does poorly in Speed. Born in Winter, 2yrs. (Dark Essence) Claimed by Azzy


The navigational healer. Excels in Sp. Def & Speed. Does poorly in Sp. Attack & defense. (Born in spring, 1.5yrs. (Plant life Essence)--Claimed by Dragon


The graceful one. Excels in HP & Sp. Defense. Does poorly in attack. Born in Spring, 1.5yrs. (Ice Essence)


The joyous one. Excels in Sp. Att. & Sp. Defense. Does poorly in Attack & Defense. Born in Spring, 1.5yrs. (Fairy Essence)--Claimed by Keno

Designs & Genders may NOT be changed! Design colors are meant to be more vibrant. However, there are some exceptions. Clarify with me if there are questions. I also reserve the right to take back ANY adoption that has gone inactive for a month and hasn't made at least 4-5 posts each month without notice/reason. Must post Essencia at least once a week and in ALL family threads.
Essencia Family Tree

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