
Lampróg San Oíche



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-03-2015, 10:15 AM

He listened intently as the stranger spoke of what 'night' was, saying that there was a moon, and that night was the time to sleep. Well yes he knew he was meant to sleep at night, his mamaí always told him to go to sleep when it was night, but he wanted to know what night was, what it was for. There had to be a reason for it, didn't there? Something had to cause it. "Why is there night, a' Bhean-uasal? What scary things come out? I want to see them." Her explanation of stars had been unsatisfactory as well - she was a grown up, how could she not know what something was? "What are souls?" he asked instead of the thousand questions he had about stars, because she had already said she didn't know what stars were.

But he had no more time for questions, for an angry sound emerged from behind him before his mother's equally angry voice spat at him, and her paws settled on either side of him. He lowered himself, ears and tail going down in contrition. Mamaí was really, really angry at him, and though for a moment he rebelliously grumbled to himself that Baine went out alone all the time and she didn't get grounded for it, he left the grumbles unvoiced and the rebelliousness subsided. Clearly there was a reason for it so there was no use being mad, though one thing did bother him. "What's grounded?" he asked in a very small voice.


This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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